Please utilize the resource list below if you or someone you know is in a crisis situation:
Crisis Hotline: 205-323-7777
UTALK (Formerly Teen Link): 205-328-5465
Crisis Text Hotline: Text 741741
Kid's Help Line: Text or Call 205-328-5437
Rape Response: 205-323-7273
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
If you have an immediate emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Amanda Hubbard
Faculty Information
Contact Information
M.A.ED., School Counseling, Jacksonville State University
Other Information
I am thrilled to be a part of Springville Middle School! I have enjoyed working alongside wonderful staff members, teachers, administrators and students! I hope to positively influence each student here at SMS all while promoting self-respect, kindness, self-advocacy and a positive work ethic.
This small city is filled with TIGER PRIDE, and I am grateful that my husband and I decided to raise our two children here in Springville. If I am not at SMS, you may see me at Crosspoint Church and the ballpark.
A few of my favorite things are:
the color blue, baking, watching my children play sports, and attending the Springville homecoming and Christmas parades.
If I can ever assist you or your student, please contact me via email or by phone (205) 467-2740.